Life coins

So fans/friends/associates of mine may know of my my idolisation of the film scott pilgrim vs the world (Edgar wright is a GENIUS) and I was thinking again that if I could win coins for achievements what would the tasks be?

Like for instance tìmes my confidence was built up to do something (4000 coins), or passing college (9000 coins), having children (88000 coins – 27000 society debt).

One thing id love to do is unlock 3 levels. To be really good at playing piano because when I was a kid I used to listen to nut rocker and Jerry lee lewis songs and blueberry hill and think the piano was amazing.

The second is to learn how to drive. Its not as impressive or as many coins as the piano but I think doing that is the next step after ridig a bike (which I dont do because falling off always happens).

The third is to actually get a decent radio job. Simon Hirst from Capital ( I originally wrote  galaxy for a reason which will become clear below) has it spot on, I think what he does is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, hes not a cheezy radio dj but its fact that he’s a radio geek (will find evidence if needed) like me (which I am, knowing he was on galaxy 105 in leeds before the global rebrand).

So driving (3000 coins) and radio job (50000 coins) +1level in career. Graduate (50000 coins) +1 level for intelligence,. Piano 60000 coins and the ability to do 2 different things with each hand at the same time.

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